EX_04 - Thirty six steps

In the secluded sanctuary of my chamber, amidst the cacophony of suffering slaves and tarnished virtue, I embarked on a journey. Guided solely by the faint whisper of a shattered reality, I traversed a path veiled from mortal sight, each step a testatement for sagedom.

The first step beckoned to me like a lifeline amidst the chaos, offering a glimmer of hope admist the darkness of despair. With each breath I drew, I could feel more devoid of understanding. Yet, in the depths of my subconsciousness, I felt a solace unknown to me before.

With each subsequent step, I descended further into the labyrinth of my subconscious, confronting shadows that danced upon the walls of my psyche. At the sixth step, the cries of anguish ceased, and darkness enveloped all.

In the stillness that followed, I understood that this journey was but a prelude. Yet, a fleeting doubt crept into the recesses of my mind, threatening to shatter the fragile tranquility I had attained. With an echoing thud, I fell back into the confines of my chamber, the discordant screams crashing upon me once more. Amidst the tumult, shadows were creeping closer upon the walls of my chamber, their tendrils reaching out to ensnare my weary soul.

With trembling hands, I pushed against the suffocating shadows that threatened to consume me, while uncertainty maintained its relentless grip upon my being.
